AIPL legacy is constructed on LEED parameters with high levels of sustainability & lower operational costs.

- Automatic timer control for 100% of the outdoor lighting system.
- 13% reduction from ASHRAE 90.1 standard benchmarked value.
- Use of less energy-intensive material- i.e:-AAC blocks.
- More then 90% of the regularly occupied spaces are naturally day lit, offsetting the use of artificial lights in the project.
- LED Lighting fixtures installed in Basements, Common areas, Staircases.
- Insulated Roof.
- Two different types of double glazing have been used in the project for having an efficient envelop.
- One advanced meter per energy source per floor for tenant spaces (electricity) has been installed, along with advanced metering for base building meters.
- Water Efficient low-flow fixtures to reduce the potable water use.
- Reduction of water consumption for landscape by 50% over the baseline case. Use of drought tolerant species of plants, STP treated water & efficient irrigation system.
- Reduction of water consumption by 20% over the recommended flow rates: WC: 4/2 LPF; Restroom Faucets: 1.3 LPM; Urinals: 1.5 LPF, Kitchen Faucets: 2.5 LPM.
- Water sub meters to measure water consumption by any two of following: Irrigation, indoor plumbing fixtures, reclaimed water, process water.
- Use of fly ash generated through Industrial waste in all PPC and RMC.
- 6 no. of parking facility are reserved for fuel efficient vehicles and electrical charging stations are provided for 3 of parking spaces.
- Waste segregation at the source for efficient resource recovery.
- Low VOC paints & adhesives, ensures good indoor air quality.
- CFC free equipment for refrigerator and air conditioning.
- Entire building premise is a No-Smoking Zone.
- Universal design features for differently abled people.